Read-Only memo fields look editable until you click in them
This happens in older version of IE, & I think but I am not certain which right now, sorry. It seems OK in IE8.
V9 webservice
Hi, When we consume webservice by defining new connection in designer, methods which names start with "get" (e.g. get_customer_name) are not prompt by intellisence when we wants to use it in code. very annoying thing: every time when we refresh methods in webservice we have to chek checkboxes for every method to use them…
Changing Business Objects loses all assignments
We've known for a while that grid fields get lost when you have to add fields to Business Objects, but it seems now that all related assignment activity entries are lost too. There is no warning, no warning on deployment, and there is no way to tell what was there, either, unlike grids. version More here:…
User Explorer > Add User???
I have on colleague here, in my organization and in my department, who is also using Metastorm and M3. I tried to add him in the user explorer, but I got an error message saying that he already exists. Of course, I know that. I am just trying to add him to my user explorer, or else find him there, so that we can…
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How can I navigate from one workflow model to another workflow model that I have created? A. Include the activity that is the subject of the other model inside of the workflow model you would like to navigate from. Right click on the activity and open up its workflow model. To navigate back to the other model just right…
Doc search
Hi I have some problem with doc search in support tab. I'm properly signed in, but it redirects me to login page after click on doc search. after login, there is again support tab instead of possibility to search content in documentation. I have properly access to partner zone. What could be an issue?
Good Morning, I need some information. Has as send a action through from a procedure to eAlert, I need that in determined moment inside a procedure that the flow continuity.