Keeping Salesforce and OT in sync
Hi There, I am assisting a customer with an issue. The issue appears to be that when Content Server is under load (say a lot of cases are being created) there are circumstances where: A Workspace will be created but the xecm__BusinessObjectWorkspace__c along with the data is not recorded. There is no hard error There is a…
OpenText- CS SQL Server Config
I would like to change the OpenText database Config from Oracle to SQL Server. So what are all the necessary configuration I have to update and where can I find the config details? Thanks in advance.
Content Server Rest API (2.0.0) Add Category attibutes to search results
I am using the Rest API (2.0.0) to search for nodes in Content Server using the endpoint /v2/search. I got the search working using the where statement to search for a specific value in a category attribute. where = OTSubType:144 AND OTDCategory:7941 AND Attr_7941_7:000000019 The default response doesn't contain any…
csui-sdk 21.4.0 FolderBrowser Widget add Button sample
Hi All, I am new to and having some trouble learning the smart UI sdk framework, I have been studying require.js, backbone.js and marionette.js but it's still taking me awhile to understand how to implement functionality to more complicated widgets. Are there any samples where I can inject a custom button under the…
Content Server Rest API 20.4 - Search
Hello, I am trying to use the Content Server Rest API to search in content server. I have found two alternatives for searching: ### search in a special location : full text search POST https://servername/OTCS2/cs.exe/api/v2/search HTTP/1.1 OTDSTicket: {{ticket}} Cache-Control: no-cache where1=*&location_id1=1896817 ###…
WebReports property tabs
Hi team, We have an issue where we can't see the webreport propety tabs on CS 20.4, we follow the instructions of the article KB9267500 but it doesn´t works, we know that maybe the problem it's with the license on the OTDS, it's there any document that it can be helpful to understand our problem and to solve the issue?…
Cannot retrieve Workspaces using DocumentManagement WSDL
Dears, We are using a scanning solution that uses a plugin to connect to OpenText Content Server and retrieves available Workspaces, the Plugin authenticates successfully to the Content Server with the Authentication Webservice, but it fails to retrieve the available Workspaces using DocumentManagement WSDL, it keeps…
Problem authenticating in call using LL_WEBREPORT_RESTCLIENT
Hello everyone, I'm having problems callling the ContentServer REST API in a WebReport. I've seen examples here in the forum and in the knowledge base (for example https://knowledge.opentext.com/knowledge/llisapi.dll/kcs/kbarticle/view/KB19450624) but I cannot get them to work. Even copying and pasting the samples always…
Archive Center ECMPush Scenario
I would like to understand from you if anyone has worked on ECMPush capability in Archive Center for pushing documents from Archive Center to Content Server. It would be really great if someone can help/guide us on the ECMPush scenario, as we are trying to make use of this functionality for one of our project requirement.…
CS Mobile Logs In but has blank pages and throws errors (Using AppWorks Gateway)
Hello everyone, for a POC we wanted to configure the Content Server Mobile App, for this we had one Azure VM with OTCS 21.4 and OTDS 21.3 on Tomcat 9, and another Azure VM with Tomcat 9 & AppWorks Gateway 22.1 (Both on Windows Server 2019, Non-SSL Environment). I followed thoroughly the official AWG Documentation on…