Clone Machines Documentum
Hello everybody, a cloning of Documentum machines like Content Server, App Server, Index Server and CTS has been done for a new environment. However, I don't know what I need to modify to make it work in the new environment. Since it has the data from the old environment. What would need to be modified?
OTDS and SQL database - is it needed?
Hello - I have a quick question regarding OTDS and I'm having a difficult finding any documentation on it. Last year, we tried upgrading OTDS from version 20.4 but ran into a bug where the upgrade would not work from System Upgrade Center; it was a known issue/bug that has since been fixed by OT. We never got back to the…
Setup documentum content server on container
If anybody has setup Please let me know the steps for setting up Documentum content server 21. x ,D2 on containers please confirm
Help needed on left and right double quotation conversion
Hi Team, As part of business requirement, Documentum workflow method is converting HTML to PDF using iTextPDF API. Generated PDF contains some special characters whenever tried to convert left(“) and right(”) double quotation marks. We seen above issue in DCTM 21.2 and however, it is converting without any issue in DCTM…
Hi Team, We are trying to call a custom API from WR RESTClient which requires us to pass Certificate file and Key file, but we are getting the following error. "No Context returned from POST call" We are able to process the GET or POST without the certificates, are we doing something wrong here, should we pass the paths…
RUNSHELL and SETWFATTR runs on pageload
Hi All, I have a WR powerview for a form and i would like to use the WR RUNSHELL command only when the user clicks on a button, but the RUNSHELL command runs on page load, same for SETWFATTR even though they are inside a java script function, is there a way to stop these from running till the user clicks on a button
Enable Export in DA
Hi, I'm logged in as an Admin with the highest privileges but I don't have the ability to Export data. I have tried other accounts as well and they can't export either. Where can I check to make sure the settings are correct for search capabilities in DA? Documentum version 5.3
Error using WebReport to call REST API for authenticating Content Server
Hello everyone, I have this basic WebReport as follows: [LL_WEBREPORT_EXCLUDEHTML /] [LL_WEBREPORT_RESTCLIENT @HOST:[LL_REPTAG_$host /] @PORT:[LL_REPTAG_$port /] @URI:/OTCS/cs.exe/api/v1/auth @METHOD:POST @TIMEOUT:10 @USERNAME:[LL_REPTAG_$username /] @PASSWORD:[LL_REPTAG_$password /] @OUTPUT:ASSOC:outputAssoc /]…
Creating a BWS without parent_id fails
Hi all! In the past i was working with my testsystem and everything was woking fine. I was able to create BWS via RestCalls with or without parent_id`s According to the documentation an early BWS requires the parent_id and the late not Example to create an early business workspace:…
POST on BWS results in error
Hi all! I found an interresting thing. Posting a new BWS with the parameter { "bo_id":"84", "bo_type_id":26, "ext_system_id":"dummy", "template_id":"16978932",…… results in an Error: Error message {"error": "Cross-application workspace already exists."} I can delete the node where the bo_id was given. But what to do, when…