Error using WebReport to call REST API for authenticating Content Server
Hello everyone, I have this basic WebReport as follows: [LL_WEBREPORT_EXCLUDEHTML /] [LL_WEBREPORT_RESTCLIENT @HOST:[LL_REPTAG_$host /] @PORT:[LL_REPTAG_$port /] @URI:/OTCS/cs.exe/api/v1/auth @METHOD:POST @TIMEOUT:10 @USERNAME:[LL_REPTAG_$username /] @PASSWORD:[LL_REPTAG_$password /] @OUTPUT:ASSOC:outputAssoc /]…
Creating a BWS without parent_id fails
Hi all! In the past i was working with my testsystem and everything was woking fine. I was able to create BWS via RestCalls with or without parent_id`s According to the documentation an early BWS requires the parent_id and the late not Example to create an early business workspace:…
POST on BWS results in error
Hi all! I found an interresting thing. Posting a new BWS with the parameter { "bo_id":"84", "bo_type_id":26, "ext_system_id":"dummy", "template_id":"16978932",…… results in an Error: Error message {"error": "Cross-application workspace already exists."} I can delete the node where the bo_id was given. But what to do, when…
Getting the Core Dumps for Content Server
Hi, We have Content Server 16.2 running and seems like either the llservworker process or the llserver process is being restarted randomly. How can we enable the core dumps to pin point the issue? Core dump at the OS level is alreay enabled, but we don't see any core logs generated at all. ulimit -a | grep -i core core…
Accessing Search Templates in Smart View
Hi, I'm noticing inconsistent behaviour around Advanced searches that are saved as search forms. My understanding is these (as opposed to saving search query) are to be accessible to Smart view search, i.e. so you can in classic view, save an advanced search page (i.e. one with metadata) and access it from the search icon…
Restrict a particular Business Workspace in ECM to a specific user even though his role has access
We have a requirement to restrict a particular Business Workspace in ECM if an Entity is restricted to a specific user by the Admin. For this requirement, we tried Add/Update Access for the User to restrict access to that particular Business Workspace. But, when we did that, the user could still access the Business…
Problem in search with where1 adding 'AND'
Hello, I am working with the API (Content Web Services 16.2.0) of OpenText Content Server, I am creating a function to perform searches using the SingleSearchRequest class among others, I indicate the query to perform to the setResultSetSpec parameter and everything seems to work fine, when I launch this query…
DQL query for self "fix"
Are there any DQL queries i can run that check system for issues and attempts to fix or show where the problem lies if it can't fix it? -thanks
API support for Livereport creation/updates
We are converting a customer database platform from Oracle to PostgreSQL. As part of this, one of the requirement is to also convert the existing Liveports in the Content Server from Oracle to PostgreSQL (e.g. syntex changes). As there are 1k+ livereports in the system, we are planning to export all livereport SQLs from…
Failure of server APACHE bridge: error
Hi, I get this message when accessing our Documentum website for users. However, i can access the DA website. All necessary services are running. DB Admins said they don't see anything wrong on their side. I checked ports, they are open. I have checekd with our Security team concerning firewall etc., nothing is out of the…