SDK 24.3 - yeoman scaffolding fails
We tried to create a new Smart View customization project. We follow the instructions from "4-0190 Content Server SmartView Development - 20.2" When using yeoman for scaffolding we got the following error: Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module C:\SmartView\generator\node_modules\chalk\source\index.js from…
Smart View and Business workspace's breadcrumbs
Does anyone know what happened to the breadcrumbs within the business workspaces on the Smart View? From some versions it is no longer present in the Smart View and the "back" button of the browser on some occasions (such as after page refreshes) does not work.
FolderBrowserWidget does not fire childSelected event
Hello, I am showing a FolderBrowserWidget in my external javascript application (loading the smartview library and css from my content server installation). The csui docs indicate that the FolderBrowserWidget has an event called childSelected and an accompanying method getSelectedChildren() but after registering these…
Remove tool bar BWS icon - Smart View
Dears, We are looking to remove the create BWS icon from the Smart View tool bar, does anyone have any leads to start on this please? Also, the customer is looking to replace the documentation link from the help icon, to be replaced by a custom PDF document they have. Best Regards
Smart View SDK Samples
Hi, We have downloaded csui-sdk-23.4.0 and built the sample site and can launch in a browser. However, when we click on the link to 'AddHelloCommand Demo' then we just get a blank page, and in the browser devtools it shows an error in node.js ('missing ) after argument list at :7777/lib/src/nuc/models/nodes.js?:9). Should…
TableReportView swrLaunchCell Issue
Can anyone tell me why this isn't working? It shows the column for the subreport but does nothing when I click on it. I'm running it in a Webreport with the destination set to HTML WebReport. <script> csui.require(['csui/lib/marionette', 'csui/utils/contexts/page/page.context',…
My Assignments Extended View - additional columns
Can we extend the columns in My Assignments Widget Expanded view ( Myassignmentstable) to display the date the task was assigned to the user. Note: I have registered the extension under "csui/controls/table/cells/cell.factory"
E-Mail-Folder SMARTVIEW: How to show attachments?
In Classic View, email attachments are displayed in a column, but unfortunately not in Smartview. Has anyone been able to solve this? Or is there an open ticket?
"ADN Table Key Lookup" field takes too long
Hello everyone We have a problem with a TKL field that performs a simple select in the database. It is taking 1 minute to load the data on the screen from the smart view, do you know of any way to improve the performance of loading the data from this field? note: 37,000 records are loaded this is the query select…
Shared story can't be reused in more texts
We're encountering an error stating 'Shared story can't be reused in more texts' while generating the document format output. Could you provide any insights?