How we can Edit OOB WorkspaceWidget
Hi, We need edit a functionality of giving createORselect Business Workspace of the BusinessWorkspace widget, for this we need to edit the OOB widget. Can you please guide me how can I edit the widget using SmartUI SDK. Regards
Embed custom HTML inside Widget
Hi, We are looking for a solution to embed customized HTML page inside a “widget window” of the Perspective Manager. So far I tried looking for a solution in Opentext Learning Services and in the forums, but no luck yet.. I managed to embed a WR inside widget, but it only works in Classic not in SmartView. Any guidance…
Folder widget
Hi I'm using widget folderbrowser2.widget in our external app. var browser = new FolderBrowserWidget2( { connection: serverConnection, start: {id: folderID } }); browser.show({placeholder: '#folderwidget'}); Is it possible to hide Up navigation (screenshot)?
Category attribute default values
Hi I am trying to update the attribute of type user with the currently logged in user but I didn't see any options to add a default value to the attribute of type user. Is there any option to add the default values to the Category Attributes especially attribute of type user.
convert perspective with custom rule
I'm trying to get the conversions done to use the new perspective types but it's being blocked by a certain invalid perspective: However, when I checked the rules in the Perspective Manager I don't see any rules at all: Has anyone come across this before?
treeview: is that possibel order by foldername?
Hi, I would like to sort the folders in the treeview by name. The default seems to be sorting by descending DATAID. Is it possible to do this? thanks Jenny
Accessing Search Templates in Smart View
Hi, I'm noticing inconsistent behaviour around Advanced searches that are saved as search forms. My understanding is these (as opposed to saving search query) are to be accessible to Smart view search, i.e. so you can in classic view, save an advanced search page (i.e. one with metadata) and access it from the search icon…
Integration of smart ui widget in external application
Hello community, do you have any experience with integrating random Smart Ui widgets in an external application? We are going to investigate the topic quite a little bit, so I am looking also for someone to share the knowledge with. Just let me know. Thank you. Our goal is to create completely new random widget and…
Create new perspective TYPE for Smart View
Hello, we are thinking about creating our own perspective type. Can SOMEONE share a knowledge what steps are necessary to create one? Is it neccessary to use oScript? Can we define only in Smart View? We want to have one extra above Flow, Left-Center-Right, Our own type Thank you for any tips :)
How to add Properties submenu to open custom plugin in D2 Smart View 23.2
How do we configure a landing page (or other) to show an extra submenu item (next to Versions, Relations and Permissions) in the Properties menu, where the custom menu item opens a custom plugin (in the same container/context)?