Making xCP preview mode a privileged dfc client


Our xCP web app relies on being a privileged dfc client (uses the dm_superusers_dynamic role).
When I try to use the preview mode in xCP, it fails with: The requested role (dm_superusers_dynamic) is marked protected and the requesting application was either not known in this docbases dm_client_rights table or its credentials did not match those in the dm_client_rights table.

I was trying to make it privileged in DA, but I have 16 pages of clients for this particular host and I don't know which one is the preview mode.

After reading and using procmon I figured out that xCP creates the temporary in the user's %TEMP% folder. The dfc.keystore is created by webby in the same folder. I extracted the client id using keytool as described in the article, but the extracted id is not in the list of clients in DA!


  • Do you know the specific username? You should be able to trace the session wrt the user in DA and grant that privileged client.

  • @DCTM_Guru said:
    Do you know the specific username? You should be able to trace the session wrt the user in DA and grant that privileged client.

    I think you misunderstood me. Anyway, I found the solution: in the xCP designer in design-time environment fill the global registry tab. It will make the generated contain "dfc.globalregistry" entries and the client will register itself.