How to change style of element in java script?

edited February 11, 2022 in Analytics #1
<p>Hello!</p><p> </p><p>Is it possible to change the style of some specific element (for example, the cell of table) dynamically in java script (e.g. change style of cell from 'data-style-1' to 'data-style-2')? It seems to be some basic functionality, but I can't find a way to do it.</p><p>I have found solutions to change style of whole report (via including different css files), but I need to deal with specific tables and cells and BIRT native (not external css) styles.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>And one more question. In BIRT styles we have "Format number" tab, where three properties can be set:</p><p>- category (e.g. "Currency", "Fixed", "Custom")</p><p>- format string for "custom" format (e.g. "###,##0")</p><p>- locale (e.g. "en_US")</p><p> </p><p>This settings can be seen in report source XML:</p><div><pre class="_prettyXprint _lang-xml"> <style name="data-format" id="717"> <structure name="numberFormat"> <property name="category">Custom</property> <property name="pattern">###,##0</property> <property name="locale">en_US</property> </structure> </style></pre><p>I have found a way to set "category" and "pattern" properties dynamically in java script:</p><p>this.getStyle().numberFormat= ... </p><p>this.getStyle().numberFormatCategory= ...</p><p> </p><p>So, the question: is there any way to change number format "locale" property in java script?</p></div>
