Demo Toolbox 16.4 xCelerator for xCP


Do you have infoamtion on where from OpenText can the Demo Toolbox 16.4 be purchased and how much? I got information that 16.4 is no longer free.

Thank you,


  • I dont have answer to this question, but IMHO, I think this is wrong. The concept of xcelerators was for the community to share code that would facilitate the inclusion of new features that product did not have at that time. To charge for this instead of rolling into the product itself sounds like they are double dipping.

  • Agreed. The Demo box should be open and shared free of costs with contribution from both OpenText xCP product development and also the Developer community.

  • I just tried to use DemoToolBox in 16.4 . I got it working after removing the jars. So only widgets & javascript I kept.
    It seems java modules are not supported any more inhere.
    I only needed html editor anyway :smile:, no problem for me

  • @KarelG What is the application server you are using for deployment? in weblogic this demotoolbox not working even after removing the jars

  • Hi All,
    I removed all the folders from the demo toll box jar except "DemoToolbox" and the "manifest", then I changed the the manifest file to be as below, the problem is that in the "Add Library" dialog the checkbox beside the library is not clickable to select the library, any help?

    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.8.3
    Created-By: 1.6.0_37-b06 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
    Built-By: burnec3
    Component-Bundle: DemoToolbox
    Require-Bundle: xcpcore, xcpcommons
    Bundle-Version: 16.4.1
    Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
    Bundle-Name: Demo Toolbox
    Bundle-SymbolicName: dtb.DemoToolbox
    NAMESPACE: dtb
    EMC-XCP-ExecutionEnvironment: com.emc.executionenvironment.xcp:16.4.1

  • @Khaled_Farouk can you send me your version of DemoToolbox

  • @ryan1978

    Hi Ryan,

    The problem was solved, i remember it was a wrong value for EMC-XCP-ExecutionEnvironment in the manifest, please find attached a working copy of the DemoToolbox, but it is working for functions only and not for the widgets.

    My best regards

  • Hey @Khaled_Farouk ,

    Your rar file is not opening as an archive. Could you please update the file?

    Best regards,

  • Hi @stuc0

    It is opening with me, may be you need a newer version of winrar, please use a newer version and let me know if the problem still exists.

    My best regards