Appworks reverse proxy OTDS
I've just set up a reverse proxy for OTDS for external users for our LAN OTDS instance. So that's: * add otdsws/* to the allowed path patterns * add otdsws=lan.server.name:8080/otdsws to the proxy mappings * then update the OTDS Url in the advanced settings to point to external facing server Works a treat. That is until I…
Externally facing Forms using OTDS and Appworks?
Hello, We are investigating ways to present an externally facing form to contractors. We want username/password control, with the content being 'posted' to Content Server (the user list is not in CS) so I immediately thought of OTDS with Appworks. Has anyone done something similar? I am thinking of the following:…
Simple Gateway 1.2.2 install into existing Tomcat configured with SSL, can't set settings.
Hello We have been unable to beyond the opening Gateway settings page once we installed the gateway code onto an existing Tomcat 7.0 instance that runs our SEA Servlet with SSL. After copying in the gateway files, I am trying to 'Save Changes' on the Settings page leaving the default values. This is a test instance (for…
Obtaining auth ticket from OTDS using OTDS logon page (for IWA/SSO)
Hi all, My scenarios is as follows: We have OTDS 10.5 and Content Server 10.5, and we have developed some RESTful webservices that sit independent of Content Server/OTDS. We also have a Javascript-only (no JSP/etc) client. We want to get IWA authentication (falling back to forms-based sign-on) using the OTDS login page…
User password expired in Tempo Box
Hello, I have strange behavior with authentication. Some users can login to tempobox /webaccess without problems, but some users can't - login page refreshing. For users, who can't login I see response for POST http://localhost/content/FrontChannel: These users can successfully log in to Content Server. If user is Admin in…
Full document path displayed on document upload...
When posting/uploading a document to Content Server using REST API, we've noticed that under the properties on the version tab the uploaded file contain the full path of the original document location as a 'File Name' (i.e. C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\SomeFolder\NameofDoc.docx ) instead of the name, only. It's worth…
How to pass NTLM Authentication to an AJAX call with REST API
When posting a document to CS with REST API, how can I pass NTLM authentication to REST when making an ajax call for users? For testing we're using 'admin' username/password to handle the authentication (see example below) and post documents, ideally we would like to use the current user's credentials to handle the…
Build a simple APP which can open TempoBox-AppWorks site with the UserName and Password
Hello, I am trying to create a simple app which will ask user to provide userID and Password and the app will then pass on the credentials to open up TempoBox-AppWorks. This will help me to discriminate between internal and external users and based on the type of users I will allow/not allow TempoBox-AppWorks Site. I have…
Tempo App API
Is there any API for TempoBox/ Mobile App which can be called by another App ? I have a .Net App running in Windows 8.1 which I need to utilize to call TempoApp. Otherwise my users have to sign-in twice to achieve a single functionality. Can anyone help me out here please?
Upgrading Tomcat and AppWorks Gateway.
I'm in the process of testing the upgrade of our TempoBox instance. I'm upgrading from 1.1.6 to 1.2.1 as well as upgrading to the latest TempoBox components. With that upgrade I'm also upgrading the Java and Tomcat instances from 7 to 8. I have followed what was suggested which was to do a fresh install of tomcat and the…