Web Access/Tempo Box return empty blank page
We have CS 16 with OTDS. We try to configure Tempo Box for External User. I followed the installation guide but when I login as Admin from Web Access I saw a blank screen. I have checked the Tempo Box Admin Setting from the Content Server Administrative page and make sure Tempo Box folder have been created for all users.…
How to use OTDS 16 RESTful API?
hi, anyone can give me a basic idea how to use the OTDS RESTful API. Such as how to start, what the URL will be? I have experience of using RESTful API on content server, but no experience on OTDS RESTful API. Thank you Feng
TempoBox Not Loading in Browser
Hi, After a fresh install, I cannot get the TempoBox Web Client to load when called from Content Server i.e. Personal > TempoBox. It just shows an empty page. I can see that the TempoBox deployment in OTAG has worked as if I disable the content service, I can see the disabled warning in the browser. (screen shots below) My…
OTDS REST API - Getting error while adding user to a group
Good morning, We are trying to add users to groups on OTDS using the OTDS REST APIs. The group ID contains blank spaces, for example "Finances - Managers". The call the following: POST - http://servername:8080//otdsws/v1/groups/Finances - Managers/members Within the body of the request we entered the stringList parameter…
CSUI Widget and OTDS Authentication
Hello Folks, I have a CSUI (10.5) Browse widget html hosted on IIS. We need to enter Username & Password to see the contents of the folder in CS. Since I have the latest OTDS (16.2), I can directly get the OTDSSSO ticket by making OTDS REST call to otdsws/v1/authentication/headers. Wondering if anyone had any luck to use…
Deploying App in AppWorks Gateway remains in status "is yet to deploy" or pending
I receive the following error message within the logs: 2017-04-24 19:58:41.275 INFO com.opentext.otag.service.agent.ServiceBootstrapListener - Started bootstrapping otsync-connector 2017-04-24 19:58:41.300 INFO com.opentext.otag.service.agent.AppFilter - Initializing OTAG app filter for otsync-connector 2017-04-24…
Authentication when using OTDS 'Patch' REST API
We have a successfully running python script to create / delete users and groups. However, the script that works for these APIs fails with a 403 (authentication) when trying to execute the Patch API. Any assistance or ideas?
Directory Services 16 - PATCH call removes user from groups
When running the following REST call to the user patch operation the user is removed from all groups it is a member of. Example: The user is a member of: REST Call example After a successful call the result is the email is update, however the user is deleted from all its groups: This seems to be a pretty serious bug. Is…
OTDS - Custom Authentication
Dears, I am looking for a way to configure a custom web service (.net / java) in OTDS which can be used as an additional authentication handler for users logging in through TempoBox. Thank you in advance for any help in this regards. Regards,
AppWorks reDeploy
Hi, AppWorks 1.2.2 Tomcat 8.0.38 JDK 1.8u111 / JRE 1.8u111 I've deployed AppWorks 1.2.2 on separate server and I managed to go through the setting page and created the otag partition. after that the AppWorks gives Internal Server Error. We decided to remove everything Java/Tomcat/Appworks and redeploy a fresh installation…