Workspace Mashup
How to make a new user see old folders
Is it possible to get a new user to see old folders on the to do list and watch list without having to rebuild the to do list for everyfolder? on Metastorm V7.5/7.6
server-side paging of grids with data coming from stored procedure
Create a business object that gets its data from a stored procedure. Create a grid on a form and bind it to the business object. Set the business object's page size to something other than 'None'. When it runs, the form produces an 'incorrect syntax' error and your form will not open. This is because it creates a dynamic…
Discrete Event Simulator
Hello everybody, I want to simulate some business processes in ProVision. I want to use the empirical stream option. Does anybody have some kind of template for the empricical stream file? thanks for any help
Process Business Object: Custom Variables ???
The Designer 9.0 U.G. syas that "Once variables have been added to the ProcessBusinessObject dataset, these variables will be accessible to any component (Process, Form, and Report) that binds to this ProcessBusinessObject." And also, "When you create a process, a process Business Object is created that can be viewed in…