Re-indexing issue
Hi, I am doing re-indexing in the IndexAgent and we have configured the filters. However, when check the logs it says ignore configured filters. Does anyone know the answer to this? Please help. Thank you in advance.
Hello, I'm trying to make POST API call using custom REST client code. On execution I'm getting the 400 status code and following error message {"status":400,"code":"E_INPUT_MESSAGE_NOT_READABLE","message":"The input message is not readable.","details":"Error in parsing the JSON into object class: class…
D2-Config error : transformToDocument (oXml)
Hi all, Just upgraded my D2-Config from 16.4 to 23.2. D2 loads perfectly, however for D2-Config I am getting this error when i load the D2-Config. Error createXsltProcessor(/D2-Config/servlet/GetResource/scripts/common/Frame.xsl) : Failed to execute 'importStylesheet' on 'XSLTProcessor' : parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'.…
is there API endpoint for updating the existing documents/folder in D2 using D2 REST API?
is there API endpoint for updating the existing documents/folder in D2 using D2 REST API?
SDK Example: (PREVIEW of 23.4) - Adding a custom menu item to menu for Properties, relations,et
This sample is a PREVIEW of what is coming in 23.4, but available now as a non-production hotfix for 23.2, to partners and by approval to customers. It will be a sample in 23.4 GA. -Adding Submenus and widgets to Properties menu in D2 SV - Ability to create custom panels in the object metadata view We can't add mp4's here,…
SDK Example: Adding a simple tile to landing page
D2 Smart View example, showing how to add a new simple Tile to the landing page. Also, in the samples in the SDK (included in the SDK itself), there is a sample on how to add a more complex tile and widget (See the GroupAdmin sample) We can't add mp4's here, so here is a Core Share link This video is a 200-300 level -…
Documentum D2-config. Getting error "Failed to initialize class cache" upon sign in.
Hi, I have been getting this error whenever I try to sign in to D2-config using superadmin credentials. Can anyone help me to resolve this please? Thanks.
Query to show users who have access to widget
Hello All, Does anyone know a query that can be used to show all users that have access to a specific widget in D2?
SDK Example: adding a new widget in D2 Smart View Landing Page
D2 Smart View SDK example, showing how to add a new tile to launch a widget from the D2 Smart View Landing Page. Note the widget referred too, is also an example packaged in the SDK itself. That widget allows you to administer Group memberships like you could in D2 Classic. We didn't want to bring forward user and group…
Quasi-concurrent Java methods invocation in D2 Lifecycle?
Quasi-concurrent Java methods invocation in D2 Lifecycle? Hi everyone, I'm dealing with an annoying problem with Documentum D2 22.2. I have a Lifecycle which, for a certain status, launches two custom Java methods, in sequence, let's say MethodA and MethodB both applied to the same document object (they are configured in…