AuthenticateUser and AuthenticateUserAsync


From the CWS sample code, the below snippet was used:

Console.Write("Authenticating User...");
authToken = authClient.AuthenticateUser(username, password);

However, we could only find AuthenticateUserAsync() method and not AuthenticateUser() method.
Is there a difference?

Any configurations from content server side we can do to enable the use of AuthenticateUser() method instead?


  • Appu Nair
    edited October 1, 2020 #2
    is your endpoint to something ending in Authentication.svc if in IIS or Authentication Tomcat  ? because new CS can understand it from OTDS as well? could we see your WSDL? and what the version of CS is
  • I have the same issue. The wsdl shows AuthenticateUser but it disappears when developing WEB API on .NET CORE. I only left with AuthenticateUserAsync

  • When you are adding your reference to the WCF Web Service as a Connected Service are you selecting the option to Generate Synchronous Operations?

    Enabling this will provide that method for you.