UITK - Co-branding image

Hi There,

I am trying to add a image at the top of the Content Center Pro. I get the image displayed at the top of the Content Center Pro, however the links that come at the right-hand corner (Username, Administation, Reports, Logout etc) links are moving out of the browser window.

Is there any way to have a break line after the image so that the links get displayed properly in the next line?

Kindly help me out.



  • The CCPro image in the upper left (/iw-cc/ccpro/images/logo.gif) is in a table. If you replace the image with something much wider, you will most likely push the the links to the right off the page. If you make the image taller without increasing it's width you should be okay. The buttons on the right will align vertically in the middle of the new image on the left.
  • Thanks Dan,

    I understand the issue with the size of our image.

    We just overcame that by replacing the interwoven logo.gif (Content Center Professional) with our own image (did reduced the size of the image) it worked as expected in IE and FF.

    PS: We did for both CCPRO and CCSTD.

    Thanks for your reply though Smiley Happy

  • We faced a similar issue and as reported, this was owing to the size. I have attached a co branded image that is wider that the OOTB CCPro and Std images...so you could keep a tab in the width and you should be golden!
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