Cancel Notice Messase



When I am sending a request , I am getting the following message:

system level J180 Cancel Notice

 from EasyLink Customer Support

Subject 223290 J180

What this message means.

Till yesterday this was appearing fine.

please help on this.


  • It appears that someone set up your account with a remove block that does not exist on the system (the remove block is the system object that contains the remove instructions that we were discussing in this thread).

    My guess is that the settings in the test system were configured as they would be in production, but the production configuration is slightly different from the test system.

    Can you have whoever you are working with get in touch with me so we can straighten out your account settings on the test system?


  • Sam,
    Have spoken to client and reversed changes. Will contact you directly.


  • I reviewed with Bill and have updated the account in PT so it should not have any remove instructions.

  • Thanks All for support. Its fine now