Is it possible to change time format of a dimension in data cube dynamically in runtime

edited February 11, 2022 in Analytics #1

I have one problem. My report contains a data cube where one of dimensions is time (a distribution of a value in time). Based on this data cube, there's a crosstab in the report's body. Based on crosstab, a chart is created. But as well, user can select time range (one year, one month, one day, or a custom time period) in the report's parameters. But if I set hardly time dimension's format in the data cube as Month, for example, so it will be working perfect for some year selected in parameters, but bad for some month or day. So the question is, is it possible to dynamically in runtime update type of formatting for time dimension in data cube? Or may be my approach is bad originally?
Thank you very much in advance!


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