Cloud Fax and Notifications
OpenText Notifications is a cloud-based, comprehensive omni-channel messaging platform that increases the effectiveness of message creation and delivery. It is a coordinated solution to deliver essential communications via SMS, voice, email and fax with end-to-end visibility and message control.
SOAP API Manuals, Samples and REST API documentation
Cloud Fax and Notifications REST API documentation Notifications Cloud Fax SOAP API Manuals Code Samples
What does "0" and "Null" means for Attempt attribute in cloud fax api response
I was working on aggregating data requested by my business team. They wanted to know the Fax Delivery by attempt, Like the count of faxes delivered in each attempt. For example - in 1st attempt 100 delivered, 2nd attempt 500, and so on. I fetched this data from our database and i could see the numbers which seems to be…
Fax callback API with incorrect Content_Type
ID is configured at the account level for a callback API with application/json format. This functionality is working. However, for job_id xsi-1507269286, the content_type of the callback api request payload is text/xml;charset=UTF-8, which is causing the callback response to not be processed. The…
Credentials for PGIFAX
Please help with the required information to connect with the fax service for below non-prod URL. We have updated the URL out of below 3 config parameters. We use three service request config parameters to connect with the same. PGIFAX_USERNAME PGIFAX_PASSWORD…
Email Events/Reports Discrepancy between webhooks and polling
Hi Team, According to the API documentation , email events returned from webhooks should return the same data as polling: "When the callback URL is set via either of these methods, OpenText messaging service will post Email status as application/json to this end point. The schema is the same as in the response from "Get…
Using the REST API, Can a fax status update be returned via webhook callback and email.
Our team is looking to get a report sent to the email id if passed in the request payload of the REST API fax request. We expect the webhook callback URL call (Json) and Email (user friendly format) in this scenario. Please let us know if this is not a right understanding of how the reports will work. For example: The…
Getting 500 Internal server error while consuming endpoint
Hi Team, We are consuming the below endpoint which is recently converted in HTTPS. Source IP: While consuming the end point we are getting 500 Internal Server error. We need your help to troubleshoot the exact cause of the issue and we can also connect over Webex to do the same together. Looking for hear…
401 Authentication Error When Trying to Send Emails using Cloud Messaging with Basic Authentication
Hi All, I am able to successfully send emails using OpenText Cloud (POST /mra/v1/outbound/emails) - However, when I try the same request using Cloud Messaging (POST /mra/v1/outbound/emails) - I end up getting a 401 response with the following error: { "error_code": "2909", "error_message": "Authentication Error" } I am…
How to create a new Rightfax User using API
I wish to Automate Rightfax user creation using Power Automate. I want to know the API endpoint and authentication to try out in postman
Submit Fax through API
Kindly provide the sample code to submit the FAX request, I have tried to connect the submit the fax request through PostMan However I'm getting an error " The requested URL was not found on this server. " Get New Tocken Acccess in Authorization shows…
Document Size Limit
Hi, We are using OpenText Messaging Fax REST API to integrated our clients into our application. What are size limits for documents in /mra/v1/outbound/faxes endpoint ? Cannot find anything in documentation. Thanks
Invoking API to send fax and receivve response
I want to send fax to third parties using an API call. We would send destination number and fax body in API and return the success/failure response. Want to know if we can programmatically call this API to send request to send fax and get response back. Below is the URL of OpenText Messaging Fax REST API.
AddressBlockAdd Soap API equivalent REST API
Hi Please help us with REST API URL for AddressBlockAdd functionality. Soap url: Rest URL: ??
(Outbound) JobsubmitResult & OpenText Messaging Fax REST API : Missing Response
Hi All the jobsubmitResult from SOAP is having Submissiontime and Completiontime, but the FAX REStAPI is sending only the job submitid, it is not sending any Submissiontime and completiontime. Please help Soap API Response…
Fax Callback endpoint authentication
Could you please provide documentation on the authentication mechanisms implemented within the fax callback (webhook)? When passing the report destination details as: 'reports' => [ 'type' => 'detail', 'report_destination' => [ [ 'url' => "http://xxxx.yyy.zzz/callback" ] ] ] What are the supported authentication mechanisms…
CloudFax Soap to REST API Mapping Document
Hi We are trying to convert the existing Soap based connector to REST based connector Soap REST Do we have any mapping document for the parameters to help the developers?
Not able to download the Easylink X.509 Certificate
No response on given api link to generate Easylink X.509 Certificate
Cannot Generate X.509
When I go to the site to generate a new cert, , I put in the account info and password and click generate and nothing happens. It does the same thing in Firefox, Chrome, and Edge. Any help would be appreciated.
SMS API Question
I'm looking over the API documentation, and it appears for SMS that the message itself must be exposed as a file via HTTP accessible by easylink. Is there any way I can just pass in the 160 character text message as either text or uploaded as a file (such as the VOICE api allows) rather than exposing the message via HTTP,…
The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.
I consistently encounter the error message 'The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.' Despite having all our firewalls open for '', the issue persists. I am seeking your team's assistance in identifying the root cause.
getServerURL 2024-03-06 02:05:29,429 [main] INFO - +++++++++callRightFaxSubmitCloudService+++++++ : Before calling the service 2024-03-06 02:05:29,564 [main] INFO - +++++++++callRightFaxSubmitCloudService+++++++ :…