Try In Swagger Instructions

OTAdmin Administrator, E Community Administrator
edited August 12 in Site Support #1

Authorizing in Swagger

To try Information Management Services bundle, Signature or Notifications you require a trial account and to try the Core SaaS extension applications, subscription is required.

Adding the trial to your OpenText Account

If you would like to try the developer experience with Information Management Services bundle, Signature, or Notifications, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Developer site:
    • If you do not have an OpenText Connect account, please create one
  2. From the Plans page, click the Sign up link under the Free (Trial) plan and follow the form.
    • There are 3 trials to choose from on this Plans page:
      • Services Bundle
      • Signature
      • Messaging (previously Notifications)
  • Complete the form wizard to start the trial

Accessing Admin Center

After signing in to the OpenText Developer website, click Console and select the organization and region combination to launch the Admin Center. There is an Admin Center instance available for each region at https://admin.{{region}}

In Admin Center you can:

  • Create, view, and manage the applications registered against the platform to consume the Information Management services bundle, Signature, or Messaging APIs (Trial) or Core SaaS extension applications (subscription required).
  • Use the tools and information required to configure, manage, and monitor the APIs chosen to use with each individual application.

Obtaining Credentials

The following credentials are required for Swagger:

  • Tenant ID
  • Tenant password
  • Confidential client ID and secret

Tenant ID is a unique ID that is automatically assigned to your tenant when it is created. Each tenant has a different tenant ID. Click here to review to learn more about tenant ID or reset tenant password in Admin Center.

When an application is created in Admin Center, a unique secret is generated that serves as the application's API key. The confidential secret is displayed only once and must be regenerated if it is lost.

Helpful topics:

Authorizing in Swagger

Swagger uses your credentials to obtain a bearer token and passes that token with the request when you try an endpoint.


  • Credentials (tenant ID, tenant password, confidential client ID and client secret)
  • If you have signed up for the Messaging trial plan, you must receive email confirmation from the operations that the client for your application is provisioned for the signed trial plan.

Helpful topic:

To authorize in Swagger, do the following:

  1. Click Authorize to authorize once and try all the services. 
  2. In the Available Authorizations form, scroll to region and the method you want to use and enter the obtained credentials.
  3. Click the Authorize button to save the credentials.

The hostname in the auth url will be based on the region chosen during trial sign up. Click here for details on Organization and Region.

In the modal window, na-1 Build & Test will be the focus, scroll to the region you selected for your trial: 

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