Integrate Core Signature for signing Outlook Attachments

Phil Cox
Phil Cox E Community Moderator
edited December 9, 2024 in Articles #1

Core Signature is already integrated into many OpenText solutions, like Core Share, Extended ECM, Core for SuccessFactors, Core Content and the list goes on. However what if you would like to make an integration outside of ones of those already integrated solutions. Well you are in luck as the documentation is very comprehensive. OpenText Core Signature API

It comes down to 3 simple calls. Authenticate, upload document for signing which returns the document URL then using this URL we send for signing. Very simple.

So on the Form_Load event we will Instantiate our form

Private Async Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

MainFormInstance = Me

Then go through authentication to get our bearer_token. In the screen shot below you see that the Status is green as this is confirmation we authenticated correctly.

When we add the signer's signature and it validates correctly, then the Send for Signing button will become active

So in order for use to sign we must first send the document to and parse out of the reply the document URL.

Dim client As New HttpClient()
Dim request As New HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "")
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + access_tkn)

Once we parse out the returned URL,

WE are ready to send the signing request to the following URL

Dim request As New HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "")
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + access_tkn)
request.Headers.Add("Cookie", "sessionid=ainqjhyrxdm5yggucgfwv824fjgz0ccp; sr_uuid=b8a1f755-fcd1-4304-b383-7ac8bfc41283")
Dim content As New StringContent("{""signers"": [ {""email"": " + New_email + "} ], ""document"": " + New_ret_url + " }", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")

When we click on send to signing, the document will go to Core Signature and the recipient will receive notification via email. You can see that the Supply Chain Agenda file is ready for signing. I can simply click on Review Document.

I can bypass the login and go straight to signing.

Now I can sign the document and finalize it.

I hope that gives you an idea on how easily Core Signature can be integrated into your applications.

Many thanks
