Is there any way to draw line before page break?
<p>I want to create a report like below picture, when country and state are same, only display once.</p><p>
<p>Instead of scripting, why not use the property drop? In the cell of the group header set the Drop property to Detail (or All)</p>0
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="mblock" data-cid="121450" data-time="1382383415"><div><p>Instead of scripting, why not use the property drop? In the cell of the group header set the Drop property to Detail (or All)</p></div></blockquote><p>Thank you.</p><p>Don't use drop, it is because when use two cells drop, their value and border display not correctly.</p><p>Sometime the value is missed, sometime the border displayed error.</p>0
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