Authentication error when accessing Restful service



I am attempting to view loaded web applications via the WebAccess app.

If I point my browser to http://localhost:8080/gateway/v1/apps?type=web I get the following error:
HTTP Status 401 - Unauthorized
This request requires HTTP authentication

This error is preventing the WebAccess page displaying loaded web applications.

The following line appears in the Apache Tomcat log file:
com.opentext.otag.auth.CSIdentityService.auth Failed auth by gnaidu@otag: HTTP error: HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed



  • First, just to be sure, are you using the addons bundle and latest Gateway (both 1.1.5) from here?

    Those two errors are likely unrelated. The CSIdentityService error should not prevent logon, but indicates a problem with your Content Server setup.

    As to the 401 in webaccess, do you have anonymous access enabled (in the advanced settings section in the gateway admin ui)? If you don't, you should be prompted for login; is that happening?

    If you do have anonymous access enabled, many web apps will not function properly, and the App Launcher is one of them; only apps designed for anonymous access should be installed if that feature is in use.

  • Hi John,

    Yes, I've installed v1.1.5 and the addons bundle. I don't have anonymous access enabled and am prompted to log in.

  • Looking back at the original post, it looks like you entering http://localhost:8080/gateway/v1/apps?type=web straight into your browser; I misread that as meaning you were seeing the 401 in the console for webaccess.

    Most apis, including that one, do require authentication, in the form of an otagtoken (available as a cookie) passed as an http header (called otagtoken). Consequently, the 401 is expected if you type the above verbatim into your browser's location bar.

    Is the problem that web apps aren't appearing when you are on the app launcher tab? Did you upgrade to 1.1.5 or is that the first version of webaccess you've installed?

  • The problem is that web apps are not appearing on the app launcher tab. I didn't upgrade from an older version. Version 1.1.5 is the first version I installed.