OTDS and gateway
I installed gateway on tomcat and it preinstalled OTDS
Later I used gateway and logged on with otag/otag user, under User Management I changed password for otadmin@otds.admin user. Then I was able to log on with otadmin@otds.admin in Administration Client.
BUT I'm having troubles logging on otds ldap server with "cn=directory manager" (I'm using the password I set for otadmin@otds.admin). I need this for Portal and OTDS integration.
From what I understand - password for Directory Manager should be the same as default for otadmin@otds.admin
BUT I didn't need to provide password for this user during gateway install
SO - how to I get / reset password for Directory Manager?
It's randomly generated and stored in the DB in case you need it. Look for the opendjpassword in the otdsresourceinfo table.
Note that while the otadmin password is initially the same, they are actually two different passwords.
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