v9 SR2 - Word wrapping data in a column of a non-editable grid


Is it possible to word wrap the text data in the column of an non-editable grid if a form?

The current workaround is that the user has to click on the row which populates the data in a memo field on the form to view the full text in the grid column.  


I tried to reduce the width of the column but that did not help


Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated

Thanks & regards






  • Hi,


    we solved this in v7.6 with a tool-tip function (it's a hack!). When the cursor comes over the magnifyier glas then the div with the whole content of a hidden description field inside the grid will be shown (see attached image). The Grid in V9 is able to render HTML content, so it could be possible to write such functions too.




  • Thanks Thilo.

    I will see if I can do a similar hack in V9.

    I have also opened an incident with Metastorm support and they have escalated it.

    Hopefully we may get some solution from them soon.



  • This is one of the first enhancement requests (BET0089) I put in February 2009.  I checked to see if it has been fixed in the service releases since you raised the question.  Nope, its still not word wrapped.


    My end-users would consider the text not word wrapping to be an upgrade show stopper, so I hope this get addressed with the next hot fix or service release.

  • Any solution to this case yet? Do anyone know if this is planned in future releases?