Metastorm Connections Newsletter

I receive your Metastorm Connections newsletter by email.  The links in the email that are supposed to take me to the articles have URLs to advertisements embedded in them, so my company has blocked them, making your email useless to me.  It would be nice if the links led straight to the articles instead of leading to advertisements.  Are you making so much money off of blasting your customers with additional advertising to make it worth the inconvenience this is causing for your customers?  If you have to keep the advertising in the email newsletter links, it would be nice if the newsletter was accessible from this website with links that led directly to the articles without going to advertisements.  That way I would at least be able to read it.  I've looked all over this site and have not been able to find the newsletter posted anywhere.  Thank you.



  • They still send those via email?  I haven't received one via email in ages, and just stumbled upon the fact they can be found in the Customer Zone.

  • Karen,


    Thank you for your feedback regarding The Metastorm Connection customer newsletter.


    I’d like to reassure you that we do not accept advertising for this newsletter and hence do not make any money from advertising in the newsletter.


    The newsletter does link to content in external  on-line publications which are hosted on external sites that are not under the control of Metastorm.  Some of these publications display advertisements for a short period of time when you first access them.  I assume that these advertisements are the way that these on-line publications are funded but Metastorm certainly does not receive any revenue from these publications.


    The Metastorm Connection is a customer newsletter and as Brian has pointed out in his post,  it is available on line in the Metastorm Customer Zone.   You may access the Customer Zone via the link at the top of this site.


    Best Regards,

