E-Work Engine

I am in the process of creating an automated email using information stored in ProVision/ Knowledge Exchange through EWork Engine, Metastorm has informed me that KE/PV is not implemented to work with E-Work Engine. So the rpocess now to get the data from PV to EWork is a manual task of export/ import.


Does anyone know of a better way to move the information from ProVision to EWork Engine? and is there any documentation thats described the relationship (or lack of) between PV/KE and EWork Engine?





  • I have not worked with Provision, but can it make calls to functions like eRaiseFlag?  That may be one way to get a BPM folder started.

  • No. I have never come across eRaiseFlag

  • Hello,


    We have a connector that connect ProVision to Metastorm BPM, it is called "ProVision Connect for BPM".  We have this posted in the Customer Zone under "Product Packs". There is additional information there that should answer any additional questions you may have.



    Matt Michael

  • Victoria,


    As Matt mentions, there is a connector for automating Process Models (workflows) that have been created in ProVision or for doing analysis and simulation on previously automated processes in Metastorm BPM.  However, I'm not sure that is what you were asking.  It sounds to me like you are trying to access data from the KE repository during the execution of a process for inclusion within an automated email.  Do I have that correct?


    If this is the case, it is possible to get this data via the ProVision CIF web services using the web service integration from Metastorm BPM.