'State' models

I have been looking for a way to show the times associated with certain statuses of a process (e.g., it takes 4 hrs for status/process A, 30 minutes for status/process B, etc.).  I have looked in the Guided Tour notebook at samples and the Activity State Chart looks ok but I cannot figure out exactly how this is created.  Does anyone know where any documentation is about this?  or have any suggestions for another model?



  • Hi Jennie,

    This is created by first populating the Timing tab for your Activity Usages in your Workflow models. Next, you would need to use the Discrete Event simulator and Simulate your workflow models. This will populate the Activity State Chart model with results from your Activities/Workflow Model simulation.

    You can read a little more about Activity State Charts by opening the ProVision Glossary (Help -> Glossary) and searching for 'state charts'.

    Matt Michael

  • OK - thanks!  I was all around it.  I have tried all of those things but not in the correct order.  Thx again for the help!