Why am i getting this weird error

Simple case - I add a radio group to the form, attach it to local variable, set its visibility to "optional" and publish and it gives this error.


Component has its default action behavior set to an invalid value, please set it to "optional", "required", "read only" or "hidden"


I have the value set to optional already !! It won't let me publish until i set the value to read only or hidden. What am i doing wrong, is this a bug?



  • I think I've gotten that error before when trying to publish from a Designer.exe that was on a different SR/HotFix version than the Engine and/or Database schema. Did you just upgrade? If so, re-run the database scripts.

  • I copied the designer folder from the server and tried this - guessing they both should be on the same version/hotfix ? I'll try copying the folder again just in case

  • In that case, your prefs may be corrupted. Try deleting these:


    Resetting Designer layout
    Delete the ‘Url.2dglpttbw5sj1j3i2vedoiybh5fbn4em’ folder from:
    Offline Library Cache
    Deleting the files in the location below will clear the library cache:
    Other Temporary Files
    Files in the location below also store Designer information and can be safely deleted:


    Failing that, try installing the Designer from the install media.

  • Actually i think it was the hotfix mismatch. I copied the latest designer files and it now deploys :) 


    Thank you !! I was going crazy for a while with this error