Setting DateTime Variable

I have a requiremet to send an Email to managers while a folder is in a specific stage.  This email needs to be sent at 1:30 am. 


I created a DateTime variable, which I need to set to the current date, but change the the time portion to 1:30 AM, when the folder enters this stage.  Then I added a timer which loops back to the stage.  I can set the timer to start the action 0 seconds after the datetime value of this variable.


For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to create a datetime value in Metastorm.


I tried CalculateDateTime, but it only seems to be able to create a date some period of time before  or after the current date, or perhaps the folder deadline.


All I want to do is this:  OutgoingFundsData.dtmAlert = 2013/01/01 01:30 00.000. 


I must be missing something obvious here, this should be a simple thing to do.



  • Try this


    System.DateTime s = new System.DateTime(2010, 1, 18);
    Local. = s;

  • It would be nice if they had an easier "truncate time" or "date only" option, but I can think of a few possible approaches off the top of my head (and others will have better ones).

    • One, though some developers consider not ideal, is to create a flagged action in the stage in question, and have a flag raised (via Windows Task Manager for instance) at the time you want it to go off.  This ensure just the times in question.  This is an approach I use in a few locations.
    • SelectSql(null,"SELECT CONVERT(NVARCHAR,GETDATE(),101)+' 1:30 am').DateTime
    • Conjecture on my part, not verified by perhaps FormatDateTime(DateTime.CurrentDate,"MM/dd/yyy 01:30 AM")
  • Sorry, didnt read through your post... you can use something like this to create a current date with a time part


    Local.= new System.DateTime(System.DateTime.Today.Year, System.DateTime.Today.Month, System.DateTime.Today.Day, 1, 30, 0);


    or using folder deadline


    Local. = new System.DateTime(ProcessContext.FolderDeadline.ToDateTime().Year, ProcessContext.FolderDeadline.ToDateTime().Month, ProcessContext.FolderDeadline.ToDateTime().Day,
    1, 30, 0);