Changing the OTDS server
We need to change the OTDS server that our AppWorks Gateway (Version 16.3.1) server is pointing to but under Settings > General Settings, the OpenText Directory Services (OTDS) URL field is disabled and cannot be changed.
Does anyone know how you can change the OTDS server without having to reinstall OTAG?
Hi Shanon, OTDS migration steps need to be followed per guide available on knowledgecenter for OTDS migration. For Appworks, You should be able to change url from DB. In Settings table there is otds.url SKEY row that would need to be updated with new default value and SValue.
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Hi Shanon, OTDS migration steps need to be followed per guide available on knowledgecenter for OTDS migration. For Appworks, You should be able to change url from DB. In Settings table there is otds.url SKEY row that would need to be updated with new default value and SValue.
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Hi Shanon, OTDS migration steps need to be followed per guide available on knowledgecenter for OTDS migration. For Appworks, You should be able to change url from DB. In Settings table there is otds.url SKEY row that would need to be updated with new default value and SValue.
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Hi Shanon, OTDS migration steps need to be followed per guide available on knowledgecenter for OTDS migration. For Appworks, You should be able to change url from DB. In Settings table there is otds.url SKEY row that would need to be updated with new default value and SValue.
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