issue configuring the sample od file.

System Administrator Member

I'm new at this and I have just finish installing the OD 6.1 application. So the first thing that I try is to use the sample deployment to get aquited with the apps but I keep getting the same problem and it's as follow:

I made the change to both the odbase.xml and odnode.xml attach is the code inserted in the odnode.xml and when I do this the OD 61 service does not start, if I revert back to the code as it was before I change it then there service start just fine.

Can anyone let me know if there is an error that i cannot see in the code below or has an example of the code for the sample odnode.xml with the cities in it.

Thanks in advance



  • take out the extra line in the beginning of the file and try again.
  • Are these all valid Node names? do you have these servers? So when you said you sample deployment worked? what did you mean? post the odnodes.xml which worked? You ran a sample test? is it the OTB test.xml or anything else? Please let us know what did you run? Yes as Andy said take out that extra line on the top.

  • Hi

    I did remove the extra line and it still does not work, I never use opendeploy before so I tought I would follow the instruction as per the attach sample read me text file, that is install with the application.

    I do not have any of those server, I did not do any deployment yet and none are configure yet, in order to learn I assume that the best place to start was to use and configure the sample deployment.

    I use the file attach and did the configuration as per the instruction and the error occurs when the odnode.xml is change from the initial installation configuration attach, to the sample code configuration the OD 61 service will not start when I go back to the initial configuration the is no problem starting the od 61 service.

    Not knowing a whole lot I assume that the change that I did in the odnode.xml file is where the issue is.

    Is there something I'm doiong wrong in the sample configuration? I have no idea why the odnode file need to be configure with city, is ther another file that I need to change?

    Any help will be appreciated

  • 1st, I assume if you ping CMS that will work.

    2nd, I have a replicantion farm set defined in my odnodes.xml, you may want to cut and paste the original into yours.
  • Yes I do get the proper reply when I ping the CMS server. The sample code does not show anything about replicantfarm, I took the initial odnode.xml file and remove every code that was there and did a cut and paste of the code within the sample readme text file.

    Should I have left the code that was there in the initial file and just add the extra code from the sampleread text file? I assume that from the instruction I was to remove every thing and just cut and paste the code in the file.

    The problem is when I do that the service does not start.

  • Replace you odnodes.xml wit this and restart the services, let us know what happens. Do not leave any empty line on the top.











  • Well I guess that is it. The replication farm *must* now be a required field. IWOV may not have updated the examples as of yet, which is not surprising.

    There is not a DTD in the etc directory but there may be one in one of the OD manuals, you may want to peruse that if you are concerned.
  • Thanks lilleywhite your code work just fine, Your are right nipper the replicationfarm code does need to there and the sample text file does not show that.

    Not too easy for someone new like me, now that it work I will be able to test the different deployment to see how those file need to be configure so I can do the work that i was ask to do.

    Thanks for all your reply the help was really appreciated.

  • Well I guess that is it. The replication farm *must* now be a required field. IWOV may not have updated the examples as of yet, which is not surprising.

    There is not a DTD in the etc directory but there may be one in one of the OD manuals, you may want to peruse that if you are concerned.
    The DTDs are in ODHOME/dtd/...
    In this case - ODHOME/dtd/etc/odnodes.dtd

    The replicationFarmSet should be an optional sub-element of nodeSet
    However - if your deployment configuration file references an 'external' farm in the replicationFarmLink element - you must have that farm defined in the odnodes.xml. If it references an 'internal' farm - you must have the farm defined within the deployment configuration file.
  • Looking at all this still does not fully make sense yet and hopefully it will soon, the odnode.dtd does not seem to reference the replicantfarm at all but the oddeployment.dtd specify the replicantfarm name as "required" so I guess this is where it state that it is required for the configuration odnode.xml.

    PS: Is there similar sample file like the readme text file explaining what is required to code for any type of deployment from one server to another. IE Deploying file from server 1 to server 2.

  • Looking at all this still does not fully make sense yet and hopefully it will soon, the odnode.dtd does not seem to reference the replicantfarm at all but the oddeployment.dtd specify the replicantfarm name as "required" so I guess this is where it state that it is required for the configuration odnode.xml.

    PS: Is there similar sample file like the readme text file explaining what is required to code for any type of deployment from one server to another. IE Deploying file from server 1 to server 2.

    Are you sure you're using OD 6.1?
    The OD Reference manual on page 113 contains the odnodes.xml DTD - and clearly indicates that replicationFarmSet is an optional sub-element of nodeSet, and on page 123 the deployment configuration DTD shows that replicationFarmSet is an optional sub-element of deploymentConfiguration (it has to be specified in one of the two locations - and referenced correctly within the deployment configuration file).
      As for how to write the config file - I suggest you spend a bit more time reading the manuals. If you don't want to write it manually, you can use (if installed) the OD Admin GUI to create the deployment configuration file - though personally I find that rather cumbersome to do.
  • I just bought my domain name and I installed WP through my ISP's control panel. I then came on WP to create my WP site. The instructions tell me to locate the wp-config-sample.php I supposedly downloaded on my web server. Not there... so I clicked on this link to download a version

     The wp-config.php file (since it's installed the -sample is not part of the file name) should be in the same directory as the wp-load.php file. Either way, there should be no need to download it individually from the development trac.

    That guide covers advanced settings that not everyone will need. All you need to worry about is DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, and DB_HOST.

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