Error while trying to configure Dynamic Site module
I was trying to configure Dynamic Sites on my freshly installed WEM system. I set up a Tomcat webserver on another host (, including the folders working, working/cache and working/logs. When using the configuration tool of the WEM console, I entered the paths for said directories like this:
...and so on. After pressing the finish button, I get the following error message:
Error 0 (Unknown), Message 008-018-0002: Failed during creation of CPS Capabilities and Roles.
Details: java.lang.Exception: Failed during creation of CPS Capabilities and Roles.
Chrome's debug console shows the following:
...and the server response is exactly the error message above.
I have no idea what to do with this error message. Can anyone help me out?
Thanks in advance!
If you are running your WEM+DSM stack as local “System” user you will face network ACL restrictions. To begin with you will need to create “run as” service account which is permitted to write and read to your network share, change folders ownership of WEM and engine which runs your DSM (I assume this is Tomcat Servlet Engine) to the account which you permitted to “run as” and re-test your configuration.
Depending on the java version you may also find that the $<drive> is also restricted for the administrative use. It is always recommended to use shared UNC paths. As an example – you could set the “working” as network share and point to\\IP_ADDR\working
AndyFrom: eLink Entry: Discussion Group - Web Experience Management []
Sent: 10 August 2016 10:56
To: eLink Recipient <>
Subject: Error while trying to configure Dynamic Site modulePosted by Schlorf, Jan On 08/10/2016 05:54 AM
I was trying to configure Dynamic Sites on my freshly installed WEM system. I set up a Tomcat webserver on another host (, including the foldersworking, working/cache and working/logs. When using the configuration tool of the WEM console, I entered the paths for said directories like this:\\\c$\tomcat\working
...and so on. After pressing the finish button, I get the following error message:
Error 0 (Unknown), Message 008-018-0002: Failed during creation of CPS Capabilities and Roles.
Details:java.lang.Exception: Failed during creation of CPS Capabilities and Roles.
I have no idea what to do with this error message. Can anyone help me out?
Thanks in advance!
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Hey Andrew,
thanks for your answer. I implemented the steps you recommended, still doesn't work. I now tried to configure it using my local host to eliminate the possibilty of it being network/perimission related, still without any success.
Any other recommendations?
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