Page count not showing in the coversheet

I'm using a JobSubmit API in sending the fax with a coversheet that is set in the web admin.

I was able to display everything except the page count as shown below:

Below is the code snippet that I used for setting the coverpage:

I presume that this count should be automatic upon sending the fax but it looks like its not.

Please let me know how do I set the page count (if I really need to) in the code.


  • mparvathi_2021
    mparvathi_2021 Moderator, E Community Moderator

    For displaying page count you no need to set anything from the code. If your coversheet is proper then the count will be populated correctly.

    You can use the attached sample cover page which is tested and working properly.

  • Hi,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    In the web admin, its says that the fax was sent successfully

    I can also confirm that the attachment was sent in the web admin however, the page count is not displayed.

  • mparvathi_2021
    mparvathi_2021 Moderator, E Community Moderator

    Can you provide the coversheet that you have used for above job?

  • I'm using the "angie_cover_sheet" in this testing.

  • Please see attached cover page used for testing. Thanks.

  • mparvathi_2021
    mparvathi_2021 Moderator, E Community Moderator

    You have not inserted <<DOC_PAGES>> data element for 'Pages' field in your coversheet provided above so that is the reason why the page count is not displayed when you receive the fax.