SDK Tools Installation


Has anyone successfully installed SDK tools on windows machine? We have been unsuccessful in getting the full installation complete and feel there isn't enough documentation available to complete the install.


  • Karen Weir
    Karen Weir E Community Administrator

    @Christina_Sergent , I have moved your question to our Content Server SDK area so that you get the best experts reviewing.

    Could you share additional details, if possible, about the configuration issues you are experiencing?

    (Content Server 20.4, build

  • We have a couple of issues. 1) We made it through the nodejs and npm installs, but once the site is up, we are receiving a message that additional configuration is necessary.  2) We have installed the SDK archive and have moved on to the Generator archive, however, we receive error messages that says the paths aren't working, but we've confirmed that all of the paths listed are working paths by accessing. 

  • Hi Christina,

    What SDK version are you working with?

    There are some issues at present with 21.2 version that we've come across. OpenText are aware of those - as I've raised with support and also discussed with one of the OT members who participates in this forum.

    Beyond that - if you're working with SDK version 21.1 or earlier, there's some good material the OT Development community have generated.

    E.g. by @mbarben is a good starting point.

    and @Reiner Merz runs and excellent blog, covering Smart UI and other topics.

    Best of luck


    David Henshaw

    VP Product


  • Ferdinand Prantl
    Ferdinand Prantl E Community Moderator

    The Smart UI Extension Generator in the Smart UI SDK 21.2 is broken. It creates a project that is not buildable and a workaround is difficult. You can see other post for more information. You should stick to the SDK 21.1 or older, when you work on projects that should be deployed to CS 21.2. Unless you depend on a new extension point introduced with CS 21.2, the version is not so important, as long as you use some reasonably recent version like => 20.

    The installation will not run smoothly with any recent SDK version, as you may want to read about in another post, but the workaround is bearable.

    If you want the others to help you, you will need to post or attach the exact errors that you got on the console to your post. It is not clear to me what and when went from from your description.

    Also, your post may reach more attention, when you add it to the Smart View Development category next time.