OTDS API CreateUser
Hi guys,
Trying to figure out OTDS.
Question 1:
So there is OpenText Administration Client with OTDS “plug-in” where I can create new users/groups/particions etc.
Is there a way to create a new user in OTDS via some kind of “API”? Basically I'm looking for a simple web application where I could create new user in local OTDS user database.
Question 2:
Is it possible to customize OTDS default authentication page (add some links etc)
Hi Daniel.
Yes there are APIs for OTDS - take a look through developer.opentext.com - documentation for most products and APIs now resides there.
Re the OpenText Administration client - that's pretty old and as far as I know rarely if at all used in current product versions. Personally, I'd triple check on roadmap for that before looking into it - no point taking up something that is potentially obsolete.
Question - why are you looking to create users / groups / partitions via an API? i.e. there are means to create what are known as synchronised partitions, that will synch users (and I believe you can do groups) from an LDAP directory....
Re customising the OTDS default page. Best refer to the OTDS Installation and Administration Guide available on My Support. Section 17.1 of the guide for version 21.2.1 details - I don't believe though that it goes into extent you are looking for, but may provide some pointers.
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Thanks you David for your answer.
My intentions is to add users (license).
In our OTDS configuration we sync Active Directory groups and all of the users get license.
I want to know if I can activate the Consolidate by API after I insert new user to an Active Directory group.
Our API is through WSDL.
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Daniel - the consolidate runs periodically, as far as I recall, you can set how often.
Screens here taken from near latest version of OTDS.
When defining a synchronised partition -
- You define a "monitor" that looks for changes within the LDAP provider you've configured.
You also define a schedule for full synchronisatioith a synchronised partition, there should be little if not no need to use the APIs, as OTDS should be maintaining the updates for you. nS
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