WebReport to add user to 100 groups
Hi Experts ,
I am new to Opentext Content Suite. Please guide , how to create a WebReport to add a user to 100 groups .
Thanks & Regards
Saswata Mandal
If the groups are know you can use the following tag, details can be found in the Tag Guide :
USERACTION:ADD:<group or user ID>
If you groups are being managed by an Identity Provider, such as AD you may need to add them there instead.
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Hi Experts ,
As I am new to OpenText Content Suite , can anyone help me with a sample WebReport code , to add an user to 100 groups . Most of the groups are present in OTDS , and only few are Content Suite groups. I have the list of the group names in excel file.
Thanks & Regards
Saswata Mandal
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All the groups should be in Content Server otherwise the WebReport wont be able to interact with them, if they are managed by OTDS rather than Content Server you may be better updating the membership in OTDS, or its source if its a managed Partition.
For the WebReport itself, there is some good docs in the OnLine help and also at https://knowledge.opentext.com/knowledge/llisapi.dll?func=ll&objId=39038562&objAction=Open&nexturl=%2Fknowledge%2Fllisapi%2Edll%3Ffunc%3Dll%26objId%3D19905386%26objAction%3Dbrowse%26viewType%3D1 and https://knowledge.opentext.com/knowledge/llisapi.dll?func=ll&objId=38995665&objAction=Open&nexturl=%2Fknowledge%2Fllisapi%2Edll%3Ffunc%3Dll%26objId%3D19905386%26objAction%3Dbrowse%26viewType%3D1 which are older versions of the training materials from https://www.opentext.com/TrainingRegistry/course/details/2925.
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