CSIDE 22.1 Abysmally slow when saving
Like many other developers, I moved to CS 22.1 and CSIDE 22.1. I've built a net new development environment on Windows Server 2019 and SQL Server 2019 with an internal OTDS. What I'm finding is that whenever I try to save any change, the IDE hangs for about 15-30 seconds, making development very difficult. I had a problem like this that persisted with many earlier releases but it was fixed. This time though, I am seeing these errors in the IDE console:
I hadn't seen these with other hanging on save issues. I'm using Eclipse 2021-09 with internal JVM
Version: 2021-09 (4.21.0)
Build id: 20210910-1417
-Hugh Ferguson
Hi Hugh - haven't seen this problem of late and like yourself I'm on CSIDE 21.4, Windows 2019 and SQL 2019. I am on a later version of Eclipse though - most current - but that was only a recent change and whilst I was on 2021-09 I don't recall seeing this issue (with 21.3 or 21.4 CSIDE).
I am likely however using a dedicated JVM - you say "internal" JVM, so I assume you mean the one that is in the OTCS install base?
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I used to have Eclipse hang on me on compile, but not save. What I found happening was that each time I compiled a JPA/JPT Project Change Handler event would occur. What I had to do was just remove all JPT/JPA plugins/dropins from the Eclipse directory, restart Eclipse, and things went back to a normal speed.
I'd suggest you first set thread logging to debug, so you get more info in the CSIDE console (it's controlled by Content Server Logging), and try to save, while viewing the "Progress" section which should be what comes up when you click the green progress bar. See if something is actively being worked on when it hangs.
Maybe it'll be something clear, or you might need to go to the logs in the workspace folder for a hint.
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Hi Hugh - sorry you're having issue on this one. In 22.1 functionality was added to stop the listener while a build was happening, since incoming requests during a build can cause everything to completely hang. Given what you are seeing here I am guessing that:
- you have auto-build enabled
- you have a large-ish value for the socket timeouts @
... if you set the timeouts to '1' I'm guessing builds will not hang. In 22.2 we are adding the ability to override the timeouts set when the VM is started by CSIDE so that hangs like this are not seen.
All the best, Dave
@siegel: vi is an editor with two modes: one which destroys your input and the other which beeps at you
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This is turning out to be more problematic than I had expected. I set both socket timeouts to 1. When I do that, even the smallest change leads to CSIDE locking up for 60-120 seconds. It seems to be worse if errors are detected.
This is a problem that previously wasn't in CSIDE, then it was, then it was fixed, but it's been a problem now for the last 2 builds. I'm using latest Eclipse on Windows Server 2019 on a Content Server 22.1 instance using the 22.1 SDK (Dec 15, 2021).
For now, I guess I will have to turn off Build automatically, which is a shame because being able to quickly get your changes into the compiled Ospace is really handy.
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Hi Hugh - Given the timeout change made things worse I'm not sure what we are looking at here. Can you enable logs as per https://knowledge.opentext.com/go/KB12497600 & send things to dcarpene@opentext.com ?
This is a problem that previously wasn't in CSIDE, then it was, then it was fixed
Are you referring to https://forums.opentext.com/forums/developer/discussion/comment/948680 ? If so that one is still fixed (just checked). So that specific oddness should not be in play here. Hopefully the logs will show something.
@siegel: vi is an editor with two modes: one which destroys your input and the other which beeps at you
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