Adding Tags to PDF Report
<p> </p>
<p>I've to design a report that is ADA compliant for which I need to add tags to the report. I'm new to this and I'm unable to find resources to learn about adding tags to the PDF Report. If anyone could let me know of any such resource it would be really helpful.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Also, I have few questions :-</p>
<ol><li>In a grid I have one row with two cells. I have added <u><strong>section </strong></u> tag to the grid. Should I add <u><strong> div </strong></u>or <u><strong>span </strong></u>tag to the <u><strong>cells </strong></u>? And what tag for the <strong><u>row </u></strong>?</li>
<li>I also have a table in the report. I know <strong><u>th </u></strong>and <strong><u>td </u></strong>tags but I'm not sure whether to add the <strong><u>th/td</u></strong> tag to the entire <u><strong>Header/Detail</strong></u> row or to each cell in the respective rows. </li>
</ol><p> </p>
<p>Thanks !</p>
<p> </p>
<p>I've to design a report that is ADA compliant for which I need to add tags to the report. I'm new to this and I'm unable to find resources to learn about adding tags to the PDF Report. If anyone could let me know of any such resource it would be really helpful.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Also, I have few questions :-</p>
<ol><li>In a grid I have one row with two cells. I have added <u><strong>section </strong></u> tag to the grid. Should I add <u><strong> div </strong></u>or <u><strong>span </strong></u>tag to the <u><strong>cells </strong></u>? And what tag for the <strong><u>row </u></strong>?</li>
<li>I also have a table in the report. I know <strong><u>th </u></strong>and <strong><u>td </u></strong>tags but I'm not sure whether to add the <strong><u>th/td</u></strong> tag to the entire <u><strong>Header/Detail</strong></u> row or to each cell in the respective rows. </li>
</ol><p> </p>
<p>Thanks !</p>
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