Publishing changes to Content Server
Have you actually done creating ,compiling ,installing your own module ,the forum users would like to know that first. The SDK area of OTDN has a getting started section. If you know that you can do the existing stuff as well. In a nutshell you write code on the Oscript explorer and if syntax is correct, it will get compiled .You will see size changes and date/time changes to the .OLL file it produces if you are in windows. A .OLL is a compiled Ospace. If you write weblingo then the html file will change as well .If you are satisfied with your work you will take this module presumably from a development server to a higher server using a module upgrade and so on.
You say you want to change API ?
The CSIDE shows you Oscript API's all the time ,it also shows you API's defined in Oscript that respond SOAP and REST API clients, what pray does changing an API in your mind mean?
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Thank you. I have a project and server with modules. This modules actually installing at the OpenText now. I need to change some scripts in the module and add new scripts to the existing module. I understand, that when I change scripts directly in the module, it's automatically changed in ContentServer.
But how I can change scripts in source project and add it to existing module? And how I can add new scripts to the existing module? It's all in eclipse...
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I'd recommend you do the OT training ( to get a good grip on the basics, there is also an old contacts/addressbook module sample in some of the older SDK docs which may help too.
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