CSIDE 24.1 available

Greetings OScripters -

CSIDE 24.1 (available @ https://support.opentext.com/csm?sys_kb_id=725b063987bb7d18b2e2840acebb35c3&id=kb_article_view&sysparm_rank=2&sysparm_tsqueryId=897896068740ca10b2e2840acebb350d , release notes @ https://support.opentext.com/csm?sys_kb_id=f1201631873f7d18b2e2840acebb3551&id=kb_article_view&sysparm_rank=1&sysparm_tsqueryId=897896068740ca10b2e2840acebb350d ) add functionality that makes it easier to run Content Server's profiler against your code, as well as visualize the results:

Full details can be found in CSIDE's in-product help (in Eclipse: Help -> Content Server SDK Documentation).

In case you've missed other new features released over the last few versions:

23.1 added in-product documentation (as mentioned above)
23.3 reintroduced the module index documentation that we used to ship (available in the in-product help)
23.4 Improved unit test cancelation & execution. It also added a unit test code coverage calculator.
23.4 also introduced functionality to simplify patch creation.

All the best, Dave

@siegel: vi is an editor with two modes: one which destroys your input and the other which beeps at you


  • Download link says Linux, do you know when the Win release will be available ?

  • Aurgh, both should be there. Apologies for posting the wrong link. I'll try again in a bit to provide the other one. Shame the KC has simultaneously removed the option to post things in a comprehensible location AND made searching for for stuff 🤬-near impossible. Stay tuned …

    In truth both Win & Lnx items are identical - it's 100% Java & we check for the OS whenever we do anything OS-related (the same code runs on both). I'm not 100% sure why we deliver both, but that's not my call 😉

    @siegel: vi is an editor with two modes: one which destroys your input and the other which beeps at you

  • K, the linked ZIP file there is in fact the correct binary. Apologies for Linux getting mentioned there.

    @siegel: vi is an editor with two modes: one which destroys your input and the other which beeps at you

  • HA - I didn't even notice, I just downloaded and installed and worked.

    @Dave Carpeneto - on a side note, I see a corresponding OBuild version was also released but can't find any notes on of any specific changes? (I'm curious whether some of the topics we've flagged in other forum threads may have been addressed 🤞)

  • FWIW OBuild changes should be in the release notes doc. Unfortunately none of the requested changes are in 24.1.

    @siegel: vi is an editor with two modes: one which destroys your input and the other which beeps at you

  • @Dave Carpeneto just spotted section 3 of the Release Notes mentions 23.x not 24.x, is that expected ?

  • Dave Carpeneto
    Dave Carpeneto E Member
    edited March 20, 2024 #8

     is that expected ?

    Er … no 😕. I'll flag that one to the PM.

    However: given we now publish the documentation with the CSIDE plug-in:

    … I don't even attempt to find documentation on the KC - what's provided by the above option is (obviously) at the same revision level as the plugin, and Eclipse's help system does allow for search (not the easiest to navigate, but handy in this case).

    @siegel: vi is an editor with two modes: one which destroys your input and the other which beeps at you

  • Support have this as OIDE-4662.