HOW Get process data in CONTENT SERVER REST API 22.1

What is the equivalent in rest api 22.1 of the method GET_PROCESS_DATA that was used in soap web service?


  • Looking at there is a Process and a Workflow REST API detailed.

    However, its not at the moment as fully featured as the CWS / UI interface. There are some undocumented REST API methods used in the SmartUI so you could locate those, but they are not formally supported by OT for others to use.

  • Adev2023
    Adev2023 Member

    What are those undocumented  methods  ?

  • they are mainly the ones that are used by SmartUI for the Workflow interaction. As they are not documented in the REST API spec they are not guaranteed to be supported between patch/releases etc. You can see the calls in the Network Tab of the browsers developer tools.