Can someone help me how to install Documentum webtop in our local ?
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Can someone help me how to install webtop in our local ?
Best Answer
Deploying locally is really no different that installing on the server:
- Choose a supported application server version and set it up (I will use Tomcat as my example)
- Do one of the following:
- Deploy the webtop.war directly to the application server directly
- Upon startup the webtop.war will be extracted, you will need to update and restart the app server
- Unzip the webtop.war file to webtop folder
- Edit the
- If you are running an app server in a development tool (like IntelliJ or Eclipse), set up the app server runtime, edit any configuration files for compatibility in the runtime and setup your development environment.
- You can extract/put the entire webtop application as your development output, or you can deploy webtop to the integrated application server and choose to output your libraries/other folders on top of what already exists (ensuring not to include the webtp app in your clean scripts).
- Deploy the webtop.war directly to the application server directly
Development environments take a bit more but that should hopefully get you started. The installation guide should cover all the pre-requisites and most of the above.
Deploying locally is really no different that installing on the server:
- Choose a supported application server version and set it up (I will use Tomcat as my example)
- Do one of the following:
- Deploy the webtop.war directly to the application server directly
- Upon startup the webtop.war will be extracted, you will need to update and restart the app server
- Unzip the webtop.war file to webtop folder
- Edit the
- If you are running an app server in a development tool (like IntelliJ or Eclipse), set up the app server runtime, edit any configuration files for compatibility in the runtime and setup your development environment.
- You can extract/put the entire webtop application as your development output, or you can deploy webtop to the integrated application server and choose to output your libraries/other folders on top of what already exists (ensuring not to include the webtp app in your clean scripts).
- Deploy the webtop.war directly to the application server directly
Development environments take a bit more but that should hopefully get you started. The installation guide should cover all the pre-requisites and most of the above.
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