Invalid mime type \"null"\: mimeType must not be empty
Hi Koka, It's because the REST 7.3GA build has rigid mime type check on the 1st part, and with the Postman client, you won't be able to specify a custom JSON media type, like application/vnd.emc.documentum+json.
We have "fixed" this in REST 7.3 Patch 01+, by accepting tolerant JSON / XML messages in the 1st part. Please get the latest REST 7.3 patch release to test.
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Hi William
Thanks for the response. But i was wrong in the Version number. We are using 6.7.
Is there an issue with 6.7 also?
The alarming thing for us is we have done all our testing in the Test server but unfortunately its not working in Production. If you could help that would be great
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- Hi Koka, if it's urgent for you, please file a SR to our support so that we can help look into your issue in detail. REST 7.3 officially back supports Content Server to 7.1. But in practice, it should be fine to work with Content Server 6.7SP2. And Content Server version should not be the cause of this issue.
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Hi VB,
Seems to be issue with the docbase itself. Can you try to upload same PDF document directly from DA and check if any issues appearing or not.
Might be the mime_type attribute is missing for PDF format and causing the issues here.
Hope this helps:)
Hari Gadhamsetty
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