How to check Web Services are running fine ?
Hi Experts ,
We are using Content Suite v16.2.6 . A client application is trying to access the content server's web services but is showing error .
How can we check , whether content server's web services are running fine or not ?
Is there any URL to check content server's web services ?
Thanks & Regards
Saswata Mandal
1) OpenText Content Suite Web Services locations :-
In OpenText Server under C:\appData\Programs\opentext\webservices\dotnet\cws . Since our OpenText content server in running on IIS server , our content web services (cws) are located in dotnet folder. In all the servers where Opentext Content Server is installed , the location for cws is same.
2) OpenText Content Suite Web Services URLs , the load balancer can be replaced with specific server names where content server is installed :-
http://<LoadBalancer or Specific Server Name with Domain>/cws/AdminService.svc
http://<LoadBalancer or Specific Server Name with Domain>/cws/Authentication.svc
http://<LoadBalancer or Specific Server Name with Domain>/cws/Collaboration.svc
http://<LoadBalancer or Specific Server Name with Domain>/cws/ConfigService.svc
http://<LoadBalancer or Specific Server Name with Domain>/cws/ContentService.svc
http://<LoadBalancer or Specific Server Name with Domain>/cws/DocumentManagement.svc
http://<LoadBalancer or Specific Server Name with Domain>/cws/IndexService.svc
http://<LoadBalancer or Specific Server Name with Domain>/cws/MemberService.svc
http://<LoadBalancer or Specific Server Name with Domain>/cws/SearchService.svc
http://<LoadBalancer or Specific Server Name with Domain>/cws/WorkflowService.svc
http://<LoadBalancer or Specific Server Name with Domain>/cws/XmlService.svc
Thanks & Regards
Saswata Mandal
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