getting "Failed to find configuration. Category: ImageProcessing, Configuration name: BW."
using below code to make call capture service but getting error
err: "Failed to find configuration. Category: ImageProcessing, Configuration name: BW."
Best Answer
Hello @Ankit Kumar ,
I assume you are using the Core Capture Service. Do you have a separate Core Capture subscription (stand-alone) or is this the Capture service in your Developer Organization?
You will need to define an Image Processing profile before you can use it. To do so, you will nee the Core Capture designer. More information about it is here:
After you install the designer on your machine (it is a Desktop app), you can see here how to login: and then there is a help file inside the designer that can guide you through the steps.
Let us know if you get stuck.
http:// function handleEnhance() {
if (!capturedFileId) {
console.error("No file uploaded");
console.log("Enhancing Image");
const enhanceUrl = `${properties.base_url}/capture/cp-rest/v2/session/services/processimage`;
const processImage = {
serviceProps: [
{ name: "Env", value: "D" },
name: "Profile",
value: "BW",
requestItems: [
nodeID: "1",
files: [
value: capturedFileId,
contentType: "image/png",
fileType: "png",
fetch(enhanceUrl, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(processImage),
.then((response) => {
if (!response.ok) {
return response.json().then((error) => {
const errorMessage =
error.fault?.faultstring || "Unknown error occurred";
throw new Error(
`Enhance failed with status: ${response.status}, Error: ${errorMessage}`
return response.json();
.then((data) => {
setRetrieveStatus("Enhancement Successful");
console.log("Enhancement Successful");
.catch((error) => {
console.error("Enhance Error:", error.message);
setRetrieveStatus("Error Enhancing Image");
}0 -
Do you have an Image processing Profile called "BW" if not that is the issue. If you have one, make sure it is deployed
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How to create image processing profile and deploy them.0
Profiles are created in Intelligent Capture Designer. There is a widget on the left for Image Processing. That is where they are created. And then under the systems widget there is a deployment tab at the top is where you would deploy it once it is created. (Note: you must be logged into your Intelligent Capture server to use the deployment tab)
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Hello @Ankit Kumar ,
I assume you are using the Core Capture Service. Do you have a separate Core Capture subscription (stand-alone) or is this the Capture service in your Developer Organization?
You will need to define an Image Processing profile before you can use it. To do so, you will nee the Core Capture designer. More information about it is here:
After you install the designer on your machine (it is a Desktop app), you can see here how to login: and then there is a help file inside the designer that can guide you through the steps.
Let us know if you get stuck.
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@Ankit Kumar If you're looking to capture contents from a document type or file format that's currently not loaded in the Capture subscription in your tenant, here are a couple of how-to videos that show you how to precisely do that:
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